Linggo, Enero 1, 2012

Lesson 2: Evolution of Development of ICT in Education

Evolution and Development of ICT in Education

Some important changes are already  under way in education, due to ICT. Such changes are in the following:
A.       Teaching and Learning practice in institutions of any level (Schools, universities, etc.)
                -all other subjects
B. New Teaching ideas, approaches and methodologies have being developed, relying on ICT
                -Distance Education
                -Home Schooling
                -Cross Curriculum
                -Virtual Reality
Four Major Phases in the History of Computer in Education
          Late 1970’s-early 1980’s: Programming, drill, and practice
          Late 1980’s-early 1990’s: Computer based training (CBT) with Multimedia
          Early 1990’s: Internet Based  Training (IBT)
          Late 1990’s-early 2000: e-Learning
          Late 2000: Social software + free and open content.
Late 1970’s-early 1980’s: Programming, drill, and practice
          “ATK”– Automated Data Processing
          Nokia MikroMikko- released by Nokia Corporation’s computer division Nokia Data from 1981 through 1978. MikroMikko was Nokia Data's attempt to enter the business computer market. They were especially designed for good ergonomy.
          The reason to teach programming was not to train programmers but the believe that it will develop students’ logics and math skills.

Late 1980’s-early 1990’s: Computer based training (CBT) with Multimedia
          It was said that students would learn if they could watch animations in colours, small video clips and then do the exercises.
          Golden era of CD-ROMs and multi media computers.

Early 1990’s: Internet Based  Training (IBT)
          The 3rd wave of using computer  in education came with the raise of the world wide web.
          The promoters of this new paradigm claimed that information changes so fast that one should update it almost everyday. And the solution: The Internet and Internet-based training.
          All you could do on the Internet that time was text  and pictures and some early experiments with animations, video and audio.
          The purpose and reason to promote this was the believe that it is cost-efficient as there were  no more travelling to training or absence from workplace.

Late 1990’s-early 2000: e-Learning
          The hype around e-learning is a kind of classical example of creating needs. Thousand of websites, articles and companies made it clear for all somehow related to education that this is something you must be involved.
          The IT managers  of thousands of educational institutions and organizations were asked by the educational experts to come up with e-Learning solutions and companies were happy to help the IT managers.
          The markets for e-learning courses and especially for Learning Management Systems (LMS) were created.
          The point of e-learning is to deliver courses for the students.
          Later on, the learning platform developers has become more aware that learning requires social activities among the learners themselves and the teacher.

Late 2000: Social software + free and open content.
          Blogs and wikis have already brought web back to its original idea: simple tool for your personal notes that are easily accessible and even editable.
          Such projects as the GNU-GPL, Creative Commons, Wikipedia and Open Courseware have shown that free content benefits all- and that people are willing to contribute to the common good.


thanks to:
ms.encinares vera
for making this lesson possible.

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